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Thursday 2 July 2009


I'm not sure if someone has suggested this before...
It's about using the genetic engineering to modify certain strains of bacteria or other micro-organisms, in a way that render them producing certain substances we need, hence becoming bio-robots.
Logically, parallel modifications in these bacteria genetics should be done in form of creating some weak points into such creatures that would allow us to eradicate them easily once becoming a source of threat or danger at any time.
Unlimited number of applications might exist. These bio-robots would allow production of purer substances, & newer molecules. The photosynthesis process may be modified so that the solar energy would be stored into a cleaner and newer form of fuel rather than sugar and starch, hence being a biological replacement of the conventional solar energy systems.
Some strain of bacteria might be designed genetically to produce water out of whatever abundant substrates that would finally provide the needed oxygen and hydrogen - a useful application for creating water in arid regions for example.
Promising potentials might exist in many fields in our life, as in pharmaceutical industry, agriculture, etc.
The interesting feature here is that these creatures - or as we call them "the bio-robots" - as being biological organisms, multiply spontaneously and needn't any kind of maintenance much often.
Many complex factors would be considered thoroughly on planning for production of such new creatures such as the effects on the natural biological balance and effect on the natural resources and the effects of the waste material and by-products of such organisms on the environment in general, Years of experimental testing "in-vitro" might be needed as well.