Blog Archive

Saturday 20 April 2024

Artificial Intelligence and creating a new universal language

In our teenage days, we were fascinated by the idea of inventing a universal new language, which would be easy to learn, quick to pronounce & write, and based up on easy standard grammar.

Then, questions arose about sentence construction, such as: 

Is it possible to invent new ways of sentence construction, that would be more accurate, in expressing the meaning?

Is it possible to build the sentence, so as to be more consistent with the rules of logic, & scientific expression about facts? 

There were also, questions such as: 

Is it possible that the most commonly used words, to consist of fewer letters, in order to be easier to pronounce, and faster to write? 

Is it possible - from a phonetic and auditory perspective - that the sounds of this language, to be as beautiful and sweet, as that of one of the beautiful Kashmiri dialects? 

Last but not least : 

- Can AI suggest a new combination for arranging keyboard letters, in a way that makes typing faster, & less effortful? 

- Can the alphabet of this language, expand, to allow all the phonetics, of the letters of the other languages, ​​to be written down & pronounced properly? 

I believe that AI can carry on this job efficiently.

Wednesday 15 November 2023

New "Live-TV" broadcasting-receiving System

This is a suggestion of a new TV broadcasting & receiving system: 

The ordinary TV broadcating system via satellites, might be replaced by a new system, using the 5G data system - either directly, i.e., via a specific segment, or band of the 5G, or rather in a separate, fast (5G-like) data network, which is isolated completely from the ordinary 5G data network.. something like banking, or military networks. 

Accessing Live-TV channels would be free-of-charge, regarding data cost.
This means watching free-to-air channels (FTA) would be as free, as it is currently. 
Only paid TV services would run as usual - meaning the customer is paying for the subscription, but not for data.. 

Acually, broadcasting according to this new system, would cost the operators, on the long run, less than what they afford currently. 
That is - in part - because it is the same data, to stream for all, at any given moment, in the 5G network. 

It is not sending huge amounts of data, to particular users, as in the case of the "On-demand" watching. 
It is same set of data, at any time, that is prodcast to all, exactly as what tv satellites do.

Of course, the on-demand watching service, would keep running, whether as free or paid service.

Accodingly, live-TV-channel companies, whether FTA or paid service, would work for, & suppord free-of-charge TV data access. 

This means the money they were paying to the satellite broadcating companies, would be redirected to other companies, that would establish the infrastructure, of the new 5G TV broadcasting system. And - in addition - allowing free-of-charge Live-TV-data Access. 

According to this system, free access to Live-TV channels, would be quite easy, on smart phones, with no limits. 
And hence, the user chooses to watch, either on phone, or on a big TV screen, via mirroring or cabling, to the smart phone. 

The current satellite TV broadcasting system, may keep running, parallelly - Something like existence of both land & cell phones now. 

This new system -in whatever configuration- would have the following advantages: 

- Watching Live-TV would be a simple routine "on-the-go" experiece. 
 How would this differ from the current service on YouTube of live broadcat of some channels? 
 The Differece is (1) the data is free-of-charge in the new system, And (2) the service is wide-spread, involving the whole population of Live-TV channels. 
 This means much increase in TV watching-rates, due to the new "on-the-go" watching feature. 

That is very much beneficial to the TV stations, because they would achieve more income, from advertising, or from increased subscription to their paid materials. 

- Advantages to the customers: 
  Simple easy FREE "on-the-go" TV watching, would be a REAL JOY.
  Additionally, they'll not need to set a satellite dish antenna, on their roofs, nor to buy receivers. 
All that, is replaced then, by just a mobile app.

- A potential Advantage, would be in form of +/- reducing the satellites' crowding in the orbit.

Friday 8 September 2023

New Global Timing Format System

A proposal to facilitate expressing both the local and the international time.
I suggested that all countries, adopt unified Alphabetical letters to express the local clock - meaning a letter symbolizing each local hour of the day and night.

This character system will be better than the current duplicated & confusing system, of expressing time internationally & locally just numerically. Add to this: the confusing + or - sign of hour(s) difference. 

Despite the old system accuracy, an ordinary person cannot use it easily.

If the letter system is followed, a person will be able, at first glance, to realize that this letter represents that (certain) hour of the morning, noon, evening or night, in that respective region or country.
Here is a list of the suggested letters, and their corresponding local clock:

A = 00:00 Midnight
B = 01:00 am
C = 02:00 am
D = 03:00 am
E = 04:00 am
F = 05:00 am
G = 06:00 am
H = 07:00 am
J = 08:00 am
K = 09:00 am
L = 10:00 am
M = 11:00 am
N = 12:00 NOON
P = 01:00 pm
Q = 02:00 pm
R = 03:00 pm
S = 04:00 pm
T = 05:00 pm
U = 06:00 pm
V = 07:00 pm
W = 08:00 pm
X = 09:00 pm
Y = 10:00 pm
Z = 11:00 pm

According to this proposal:
The time in each country will be expressed in Universal Time format (UTC) followed by the letter representing the local clock for that country or region. 

The hour difference may, or may not be expressed, in the detailed Format.
For example, when the UTC time is 12:25 
i.e., 12 noon and 25 minutes:
The formula for expressing time, at this moment, in the following cities, for example, would be as follows:

 When UTC is 12:25

 Los Angeles (-8)
 -Local format: E:25
 - Full Format (both global and local): 12:25:E 
                                                             or 12:25:E-8

 Phoenix (-7)
 - Local format : F:25
 - Full format : 12:25:F or 12:25:F-7

 New York (-5)
 - Local format: H:25 
 - Full format : 12:25:H or 12:25:H-5 
 Paris (+1)
 - Local format : P:25 
 - Full format : 12:25:P or 12:25:P+1
 Dubai (+4)
 - Local format : S:25 
 - Full format : 12:25:S or 12:25:S+4

 Singapore (+8)
 - Local format : W:25
 - Full format : 12:25:W or 12:25:W+8

 Tokyo (+9)
- Local format : X:25
 - Full format : 12:25:X or 12:25:X+9

 Sydney (+10)
 - Local format : Y:25
 - Full format : 12:25:Y or 12:25:Y+10


 In general, display of the hours differences, is not as important as knowing the local hour (of the day or the night) in the respective country, or region.
 Regions that use the daylight saving time system, will be able to achieve this by modulating the character list, not the numerical value. 

 Advantage of this system:
 Expressing the time in any country, or region, in that new formula:
 - UTC time is always shown.
 - Local hour as expressed by a character, will make it easy to identify which hour of the day (or night) is there, then.
 - There is no confusion, or need for mathematical calculations, in that Format.

The classic wristwatches, would be designed to include letters and numbers, and thus they will include an additional hand, that points to the letters, and thus it is easy to read the world time numerically, and the local time alphabetically, at a glance.

Friday 25 August 2023

A Virtual Currency

Proposal to invent a virtual currency

It would be a global virtual currency, acting as a standard or reference, in the first place, not for trading 

The goal is a currency having a fixed purchasing value, regardless of inflation, recession, or any other factor 

The stability of the purchasing value of this currency, is an important condition, in order to be a "STANDARD" or "REFERENCE", for many financial variables, such as the level of wages, the value of income, actual profits, and some other financial transactions 

One unit of this currency would be the amount of money required to sustain an average person in an average-cost country, for one day 
This includes food, transportation, rent and all the usual needs, of one person, averagely for one day 

Let's suggest a name for this currency as 
"DAILY" or  "DAYLY" or  "DAYL" or whatever name 

A group of international financial experts would propose the method, or methods, on the basis of which the value of this currency unit will be calculated 

That might be estimated by considering the instantaneous cost of living in an actual average country, or by the arithmetic average of the cost of living among several average countries, or the arithmetic average among all countries, or among different groups of countries 

Or by more complex mathematical methods, which would be -at the same time- more accurate & closer to expressing the actual cost of living in most countries 

Perhaps a body of financial experts emanating from the United Nations, or from the world's famous independent and neutral financial corporations, will announce the daily, the weekly, or the monthly price, of this virtual currency, in relation to the other actual major currencies 

Of course, this proposal needs a deep feasibility study before it is implemented 

There would be great advantages and benefits to this proposal, if it proves useful 

Sunday 29 December 2019

Standard EV battery


There is a suggestion regarding EV batteries: 

It is that all EV makers, to agree at some unified standards regarding batteries. 

These are: 
- Unified sizes and dimensions of batteries. 
- Unified sizes and dimensions of the space in  the car bottom for batteries. 
- Unified way of fixing batteries in a car. 
- Unified way of connecting the cooling system to batteries.  
- Unified way of electric and electronic connections to the battery.
- Better so, a unified voltage, for battery output. 

The idea is like this: 

* 3 sets of "class-of-size" of batteries -meaning 3 sets of battery dimensions- might be produced, in order to fit small, medium and large sized cars .. something like: A , AA and AAA batteries, for household use. 

** In Each "class-of-size" of battery type, batteries would be produced in a fixed width and fixed height, but with a variable length, within limits.. 

Meaning that: batteries of different lengths, would have different capacities, despite fixed width and height.. 

*** Mirroring the previous point: 
The battery space in car bottom, would follow the same rules: 
Fixed width and height, but the length would be the maximal, for that "class-of-size" of battery type. 

Thus, we would find batteries of different capacities, for small, for medium and for large sized cars. 

Meaning, the battery pool for all cars, would be of some 12, 15, 18 -or even more- different capacities.. 
But all would lie within the 3 sets of "class-of-size" of battery type. 

That will allow customers to replace the future batteries by their own, choosing the capacity and the brand, according to their preference and affordability .. something like replacing a tire (tyre). 

EV makers, then, would have more freedom to improve the other aspects of the vehicle, after being freed up of batteries headache. 

On the other hand, as a result of the mass production, the specialized battery manufacturers, would have better atmosphere for competition:  for further product improvement, and price lowering." 

That means appearance of a new generation of Electric Cars : 

The "Compatible Batteries EV" generation. 

Or simply : the "CBEV" generation.

And an electric vehicle of that generation would be classified as: a CBEV. 

Thursday 2 July 2009


Two planes were lost in oceans within this month. Search effort failed to get the black boxes
Now I’m suggesting: why not all airplanes to have their black boxes equipped with powerful GPS devices with unique ID code.
This means that if a craft disappeared on screens, it wouldn't be lost for GPS satellites. And hence could be easily located... that is of extreme importance for saving some victims' lives within the early hours.

Awake Anesthesia

Are we one step from the era of awake anesthesia!
I’m not sure if someone has already suggested this …
On reading about the basics of MRI technology, few weeks ago, an idea rose up in my mind .. It's rather a hope.
Hope, about the prospects of our fellows in the fields of physics and biomedical engineering, to develop some new technology for blocking nerve impulse propagation (particularly the pain sensation), via non-invasive techniques or devices, which may work by something like –say- “targeted focal electromagnetic field modulation”, or a new technical principle, that do allow interference with, or stabilization of the resting membrane potential of specific nerves (selected or targeted), as what local anesthetics do to nerves, but with the advantage of being non-invasive, precisely targeting the selected nerves and accessing nerves that were practically inaccessible or difficult to block by the traditional techniques with the local anesthetic agents.
If that proposed technology would prove maximum safety and success, we would then be freed of the limitations caused by interacting factors about the local anesthetics properties, as the duration of action versus accomulation/overdosage & toxicity issues.
Perhaps this technique would also be applied to motor nerves blockade, so that we can for example relax ONLY the muscles of the abdomen for an abdominal surgery, or muscles of a limb for an orthopedic surgery, etc., while the patient is, hopefully, awake and breathing spontaneously satisfactorily.
Both Acute and Chronic pain management might then have a revolution.
Also control of autonomic outflow, both the sympathetic and the cranio-sacral ones might be under precise control in selected parts of the body.
Other merits for this proposed technology might exist as well.
i hope, gratefully, that this idea would get some little attentions, and be endorsed to parties and bodies that have the potentials, and are candidates of bringing this true.


I'm not sure if someone has suggested this before...
It's about using the genetic engineering to modify certain strains of bacteria or other micro-organisms, in a way that render them producing certain substances we need, hence becoming bio-robots.
Logically, parallel modifications in these bacteria genetics should be done in form of creating some weak points into such creatures that would allow us to eradicate them easily once becoming a source of threat or danger at any time.
Unlimited number of applications might exist. These bio-robots would allow production of purer substances, & newer molecules. The photosynthesis process may be modified so that the solar energy would be stored into a cleaner and newer form of fuel rather than sugar and starch, hence being a biological replacement of the conventional solar energy systems.
Some strain of bacteria might be designed genetically to produce water out of whatever abundant substrates that would finally provide the needed oxygen and hydrogen - a useful application for creating water in arid regions for example.
Promising potentials might exist in many fields in our life, as in pharmaceutical industry, agriculture, etc.
The interesting feature here is that these creatures - or as we call them "the bio-robots" - as being biological organisms, multiply spontaneously and needn't any kind of maintenance much often.
Many complex factors would be considered thoroughly on planning for production of such new creatures such as the effects on the natural biological balance and effect on the natural resources and the effects of the waste material and by-products of such organisms on the environment in general, Years of experimental testing "in-vitro" might be needed as well.

UID - SKY PC system

UID to my Sky-PC system

I’m not sure if someone has suggested this before…
A few years back Microsoft launched among their online services the “Microsoft virtual machine” to their customers. That service got a considerable popularity then.
Encouraged by the growing widespread of the broadband and the other modern high speed massive data transmission technology, Microsoft launched lately the ”sky drive” service which also gained much more popularity. Other companies whether little earlier, little after or concurrently with Microsoft, introduced similar online storage services. The growing high speed internet service together with the more and more declining cost of the service, were the major factors behind the widespread popularity of these online storage services; many people by time find that there is no more need to save their content in the local drives of their home PCs.
About a couple of years ago, many computer manufacturers introduced their new Netbook devices which as announced differ from the ordinary laptops as being designed mainly for browsing the web.

Hence the new idea rose up into my mind: “why not the PCs (designed for web browsing only) to be confined to the final (direct user) input & output elements?”

It’s something even much simpler than these Netbooks.
I imagine it, as if my PC is being divided into two parts:
part one: is my interface (mouse, keyboard, monitor, speakers)
part two: is the rest of my computer which is then located very remotely and connected to part one by very long cables and wires (which would logically be replaced by fast secure wireless connection)

So the proposed Web Browsing system would have two sets of components:

A- Set One -the simple one- it is the User-Interface- Device (UID) & contains the following:
Input: a mouse, a keyboard, a camera & a microphone. +/- some other means of input.
Output: a display (monitor), & speakers.
Ports: (USB, BT, WiFi, 3G, etc) for speed connection and for other input & output external devices, as flash drives, card readers, other accessories.
N.B. a real huge capacity rotating hard drive may not be included in the UID (User-Interface- Device), as users would rather store their files either online, or on external storage device or media… Otherwise a lighter non mechanical storing means as built-in flash memory might be integrated in the UID instead. That feature is indispensible to reduce the device weight, power consumption, & heat emission, which is important for outdoor web experience.
The operating system and the included software in the UID would be rather simple and confined to the functioning of the above mentioned hardware profile, together with reliable firewall and encryption technology for securing private data transmission. Also a set of compression-decompression software and media codecs should be included to reduce the magnitude of the incoming and the outgoing data, hence reducing the time needed for browsing and computing experience.
If the included operating system and software, to come in the ROM (read-only-memory) format, that would be a major advantage which would rule out troubleshooting, & the need for antimalware software.
(The ROM format of the OS & the included software, wouldn’t be a disadvantage, as the antimalware software, & all the customizing tools, & something like add-remove-program feature would all be integrated in the sky-PC).

B- Set Two : sky-PC:
These are real computers which users would be connected to, as if their own PCs. Such machines are fully integrated and are provided online by the Sky-PC Service Providers. Most of the computing tasks, and the web-content-processing, would be done on such powerful sky-machines, and little left to the local user interface devices (UID)… An experience like that is already provided by Opera: Users of the Opera mini browser in their mobile devices, send their web requests to the Opera server rather than directly to the websites, where the Opera servers integrates the requested WebPages’ content, compress it, and then sending it to the mobile devices to be decompressed by the mini browser and displayed in a while.. An experience which proved to reduce the browsing time to about one third of the original time needed if using another phone browser at the same connection speed.
Logically, these proposed sky-PCs would be reliably protected against malware, but yet the service providers though doing their best in this respect, would not be able to give 100% guarantee to their users against threats. They would rather inform users about that and perform moment-by-moment or session-by-session backups, or something like system restore for them.

For the user the story is expressed like that:
My UID has just a screen & speakers, a keyboard & mouse, Ports & means for high speed secure connection to my sky-PC which browse the web for me and send me back the Ready-to-See WebPages that i already requested. I store my content there. I’m neither spied at, nor attacked by malware, ‘cos my OS and software are in ROM format, and ‘cos I have a firewall, & reliable encryption tools. Furthermore I can log in to my sky-PC from anywhere by any UID. And Lastly I haven’t to afford purchasing expensive PC anymore, as the UIDs are now much simpler and cheaper. My intensive computing work as video processing,3D or photo editing and Microsoft Office or similar heavy presentations, etc. all are performed on either my sky-PC or my ordinary home PC.
Actually Microsoft, Google & probably other providers introduce online document and other presentations editing and saving services... This means that things are naturally going towards an internet experience near to what is being suggested here.
I think this system –if it would prove any success- will not replace the ordinary PC, as many people will still like to keep having their files and work on their own real PCs, and also people using slower networks, and won’t be able to store-and-retrieve their content, or finish their work on the sky-PCs instantly, would rather work on the ordinary PC.
Thus both systems then, would run side by side.

So what is the need for all that? Why not to keep the ordinary PC system?
- In addition to the other advantages mentioned above, The answer is that:
The pecentage of people using computers only for browsing the web is rising steadily and intensively, so providing powerful computers for such users would be a waste of resources and money; so the proposed (UID to my Sky-PC system) is more convenient then in a way.
This is not an invention which i’m claiming, or advertising for… it’s rather a panoramic view of what is already happening and is continuing to happen…
I as non technical person submit my apology, regarding lack of proper technical expression, and for any mistake that might be present in this essay.
Finally I hope that the reputed bodies and corporations like: Microsoft, Google, Apple, IBM and other hardware and software manufacturers, to check the validity of such proposal, and –if proved worth working- to bring it true one day.